How to make ear ache oil with Mullein Flowers
Mullein flowers are a tried and true remedy to reduce the pain and inflammation of ear infections. It is the antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities of the flower helps to kill germs and fight infection.
You need:
A mason jar or a jar with a good secure lid
So whole cloves of garlic (optional)
Harvest flowers from plant. Ensure that you are harvesting after the dew of the morning has melted so the flowers are not wet. You will be infusing the flowers in oil and it is important to ensure that the flowers are not wet so the oil does not become rancid.
Once dry place the flowers into your chosen glass jar. A mason jar with a secure lid is ideal.
Over the top of your flowers pour in the oil of your choice. We use Olive oil for our oil infusions.
You use one part flowers and cover with triple the volume of oil. Ensure that the flowers are completely covered and then turn the jar to mix thoroughly.
Try to have very little air in the jar, you want it to be full by volume, so if you are making a small batch use a small jar, if you have a lot of flowers and are making a larger batch use a large jar.
The ratios will be similar to this.
Garlic has additional health benefits that assist in infection fighting.
Place the jar in full sun to infuse for 6-8 weeks. It is important that you shake and turn the jar, so place it in an obvious location where you will see it and remember to turn it over daily.
When your oil is ready, using a muslin cloth doubled over strain out the Mullein flowers (and garlic clove if you added it) pouring the infused oil into a clean glass jar. It is imperative that no particles of the flower are left in the oil extraction.
To use the earache oil simply drop several drops of the oil in your ear and allow them to seep into the ear canal for about a minute. You should receive relief within an hour.